Litter For Loot: How To Properly Sell Your Kittens So Everyone Has A Happily Ever After

Posted on: 8 January 2020

Kittens are some of the most adorable creatures on the planet; however, most pet owners don't have the desire or ability to care for the entire brood indefinitely. When it comes time to sell them, though, you want to be as calculated and careful as possible. 1. Make Sure Your Queen Is Healthy And Happy Ever since your cat became pregnant, you should have seen a gradual increase in her appetite, but following birth, the hunger should explode, with consumed amounts of food perhaps doubling.
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Signs Your Dog Is Experiencing Hypothermia

Posted on: 6 December 2019

No matter if your dog is an inside dog or an outside dog, you need to keep an eye on your furry buddy to help prevent issues such as frostbite or hypothermia. If you aren't sure what the signs of hypothermia are in dogs, read on for helpful information that can help protect your dog this winter. 1. Lethargy/Malaise If your dog is lethargic, doesn't have his normal energy, seems very tired, or doesn't seem interested in his usual toys or playtime with you, it could be due to hypothermia.
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